Maskal Teff

An energetic and unique website that introduces the American market to a revered ancient Ethiopian grain.

Maskal Teff


  • Murmur Creative


  • Visual Designer
  • UI/UX


  • Client Provided


  • February 2023
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Maskal Teff is an ancient grain popular in Ethiopia used in many dishes, but most notoriously used as a flour and turned into a traditional bread called Injera. After finding success growing this grain in the Snake River area of Idaho in the 1970’s, Teff company founder Wayne Carlson was able to help Ethiopians living in America reconnect with their favorite grain. 
The health benefits of Teff are vast including an alternative as a gluten-free option, a great source of natural nutrients, benefits to blood sugar management, weight control and colon health.

Wayne came to us needing a new identity and digital presence that would promote and help reach a wider audience. The brand team created a new mark and packaging that honored the Ethiopian roots while updating the appeal to a new and more modern demographic.

The website created takes the visual language created for the packaging and logo and brings it into the digital realm, making a cohesive, textural, colorful, and robust identity. We took care to make it easy for Ethiopian users and English speaking users to find and order the products they sought, as well as find creative ways to use the grain in a variety of dishes. We built step-by-step tutorials on how to make Injera while highlighting the product, easy navigation and emphasized the health benefits of Teff, all while making the site accessible and mobile-friendly.
