Westmount Wine Co.

A website built for the bold adventurer, the millennial outdoorsman, for those that enjoy great wine and earn every drop.

Westmount Wine Co.


  • Murmur Creative


  • Visual Designer
  • UI/UX


  • Client Provided


  • January 2017
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Westmount approached us with the goal of creating a site that conveyed their mission; that great wine was accessible to all. That it could be part of a healthy and adventurous lifestyle, that it was best enjoyed after reaching your favorite vista, or while relaxing on the lake. Crafted in the Willamette Valley in Oregon, Westmount Wine Co. set their sites on a familiar demographic in the region, and across America, the greenhorn wine enthusiast looking for a great wine without all the ostentation. A wine that you can pair with a lifestyle that embraced the outdoors and exploration.
 You don’t need to know wine to enjoy wine.

The website aims to champion this story through a simple UI, free of ornamentation and distraction, with a clear focus on the wine, the people, and region that cultivate it. Succinct headlines, captivating photography and video, intuitive navigation, activated white space all come together and elevate the central theme of less equals more on this journey.

west mount-wine-wine-at-the-summit